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{{Infobox musical artist
{{Infobox musical artist
| Name = Lowbrow
| Name = Lowbrow

Latest revision as of 01:26, 21 July 2011


Lowbrow 2008
Background information
Genres metal
Status split

Lowbrow formed in Brandon Florida in February 1998 after Allen West leaves Six Feet Under. Obituary's roadie, Richard Hornberger, approaches Allen about forming new band.

Saturday, January 17, 2009, Richard Hornberger posted this on their myspace:

"Hello everyone, Rich from Lowbrow here. It was fitting that we named our European tour "Buried in Europe" because that is exactly what happened. Those of you who are aware of the circumstances involving Allen West's departure from both Six Feet Under and Obituary will not be surprised to learn that he has not changed his ways. One would think that after sitting in prison for 18 months he would have recognized the opportunity to reestablish himself within the metal community and prove his detractors wrong. Unfortunately, this was not the case. The grip of addiction has a hold on him that is greater than any desire to pursue music in a professional manner or to the opportunities that were right in front of his face. Within three days of landing in Europe for our tour, he reverted back to his old ways, drinking, drugging and anti-social behavior. It is truly a shame because there are people that care about him and fans that still respect him but the man does not respect himself or others. He became a complete embarrassment by the time we arrived in Vienna, being so wasted that it took Phil and Ralf from Requiem, to literally hang his guitar on him to play. We had a 16 song set, that had to be cut to 7 songs, none of which were played correctly. This unprofessional attitude was more than the rest of Lowbrow could tolerate. We completed the tour only by literally babysitting him and physically taking drugs and drink from him in order to keep him sober enough to complete the tour. Lowbrow had much potential but because of the pox of addiction, we never reach that potential. I personally would like to thank everyone who supported us over the years and I am truly sorry for any disappointment that we may have caused. We've made many great friends over the years and of course we've also had some great times. Thanks to everyone that came to see us play and to those who bought our albums, I wish we could have given you more Lowbrow metal. So at this time Lowbrow is finished. Buried in Europe for good. I cannot speak to the status of the other Lowbrow members desire to continue in music but I hope they do. I am currently putting a new project together that begins mid-February. I want to see how this comes together before making any announcements about the other musicians involved. I will try my best to keep everyone up to date. Thanks to all for allowing me to fulfill some of my dreams with Lowbrow. Horns up!!!!"




  • Richard Bateman - 2002 Bass (After Death, Agent Steel, Iced Earth, Nasty Savage, Nocturnus)
  • Ben Meyer 1998-2001 Guitars (Acheron, Lordes Werre, Nasty Savage)
  • Jon Fronza 2005 Bass